Getting Ready For Your Appointment:

​Please read our Privacy Policy and Financial information before booking and attending your appointment. Your child does need to attend the appointment in order for you to claim a Medicare benefit.
Some children may need preparation. This may include having a look at the website together so your child can see what the clinic and their Doctor look like. It can also be helpful to prepare your child for the general procedure of seeing a specialist; play in the waiting room, talking to the Doctor, weight and height measure, and check-up.
Help your older child pack a few things that can entertain them while they wait for their paediatrician appointment. Simple toys and books will be available for your children to use during the consultation. At times families can allow children to bring smart phones or tablets to the appointment to keep children settled.
Feel free to have a friend or relative attend with you, so they can wait with your child whilst you talk to the specialist without your child present.

What To Bring:

Your completed Pre-Assessment Questionnaire (if not already sent back)
Your GP referral letter (if not already emailed/faxed)
Medicare card
Child health record book
Previous reports (e.g. by other medical professional, speech or occupational therapist reports, audiology, psychology, blood tests, school reports)

Appointment Time:

Our practitioners work hard and are skilled in keeping to their booked schedules. However, occasionally they may take extra and unplanned time in an appointment because there is a particular need. Staff and clinicians will do their best to advise of these delays.
When a doctor is running very behind, staff will discuss the situation with affected families. Often an extra book, a coffee or a walk around the adjacent areas will help with the unexpected wait and a relative or friend might be able to collect a sibling from school. Whilst significant delays occur very infrequently, it is best to plan for some delay. Let staff know of any fixed constraints on your time.